Participation in Research Projects and Networks
NordicSMC - The Nordic Sound and Music Computing Network (Jan 2018 - 2024)
A Nordforsk funded Nordic University Hub with partners in 5 nordic countries, and the aim of consolidating and strengthening the international research profile of the partners in the field of sound and music computing research.
RHUMBO - modelling and pRedicting Human decision-making Using Measures of subconscious Brain processes through mixed reality interfaces and biOmetric signals (Oct 2018 - 2022)
TIME- Timing and Sound in Musical Microrhythm (Oct 2016-Mar 2022 )
The aim of the TIME project is to understand the micro level of auditory perception and the influence of cultural background and training for our understanding of rhythmic music.
ASIAMS - Auditory and Sensory-motor Integration in the Acquisition and Maintenance of Skilled movements in musical performance. A MOBILITY-2.1 Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship (EIF) aiming at studying healthy and unhealthy movement strategies in music performance.
Cost 287 ConGAS - Gesture CONtrolled Audio Systems (Apr 2003-Jun 2007)
A cost action with the purpose of contributing to the different gesture data analysis connected to the control of digital sound and music processing.
MEGA - Multisensory Expressive Gesture Applications (Nov 2000-Oct 2003)
The project is centered on the modeling and communication of expressive and emotional content in non-verbal interaction by multi-sensory interfaces in shared interactive mixed reality environments.
SOb - The Sounding Object (Jan 2001-Dec 2002 )
The aim of the SOb project was to develop sound models that are responsive to physical interactions and are easily matched to physical objects.