Correct answer and origin of the timing patterns from here
Below you'll find the correct match between the sound sequences A-G and the plotted IOI sequences. What's IOI? For each sequence you can listen to how the TIMING ONLY sequences sound like. Here the inital "fade in" from the previous links is removed to make it easier for you to follow the different IOIs.
A1: Accents every fourth note as performed by player S1 at pp, 160 beats per minute.
Stimulus F
A2: Accents every fourth note as performed by player S3 at pp, 160 beats per minute.
Stimulus G
A3: Accents every fourth note as performed by player S3 at pp, 200 beats per minute.
Stimulus D
A4: Accents every fourth note as performed by player S2 at mf, 160 beats per minute.
Stimulus C
W: Synthesised sequence with IOIs of 375, 375 and 400 ms repeated.
Stimulus B
I: Synthesised isocronous sequence with IOIs of 375 ms repeated.
Stimulus E
S: Irregular accents performed as performed by player S2 at ff and 200 beats per minute.
Stimulus A

Click here to view the results from the original listening test as as reported in Dahl, S.(2000). The playing of an accent - Preliminary observations from temporal and kinematic analysis of percussionists. Journal of New Music Research Vol.29(3), 225-234.